Thursday, February 24, 2011

Almost March

I still can't believe it.
5 days and then it's March, where has the year gone? One more quarter and then it's the summer.  What am I doing this summer you ask? of now, nothing.  So if anyone has any ideas on some work I can find in the Cleveland area - I would very much appreciate it.

In other news...I'm still sick, yeah it sucks. Whatever.

You know what's interesting?  How relationships, and people change in life.  The circle of friends you might have in the beginning of high school might not be your circle of friends at the end of high school - sometimes things happen, people make decisions, decisions you don't agree with, or you just grow apart.  Some people are supposed to be in your life forever, while others are just supposed to make an appearance - yeah that was inspired by an old Greek episode but whatever.

But something that really kind of bothers me - that admittedly I do too from time to time - is that fake "omg I miss you SOOO much" kind of thing that everyone does.  Yeah sometimes we get inspired to talk to someone we haven't in awhile, and we go through the motions of "oh I miss you let's hang out soon" but you never do.  I don't know it's kind of irritating being on the opposite side of that conversation don't you agree? I think so.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you put people on the opposite side of that you know how it feels.
