Monday, February 14, 2011

I Passed!

...Just kidding.

But I wish I had, oh well I really didn't expect to pass the FM exam, but hey, there's always next time so no big deal.

So my weekend was really nice, i got to spend some good quality time with the girlfriend, it was good.  

Elections for AEPi were this weekend too so I'm going to take a moment to congratulate the new Exec Board, and as former Brother Master Micah Kamrass likes to say: Big Things. 

For me, I've got my eyes set on a minor board position - we'll see how that goes, wish me luck.

I also had my interview for an Orientation Leader position - it was a group interview - not my favorite but nevertheless i think it went all right.  I guess we'll find out Thursday, if i made the second cut, then a one-on-one interview then i find out.  So many more steps and yet the whole process is over by March 4th - wish me luck - again. Ha.

 Finally, I'm excited about next year, a great house with some great guys - and one girl, hopefully a job at Hillel, hopefully some good classes, and getting more involved in the things I'm truly passionate about - Philanthropy, the fraternity, and my education.  Obviously my girlfriend is in there too - duh.

So that's that - at least for today.  I know nothing that exciting. Haha

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