Sunday, February 20, 2011

So much for being on top of this

Yeah I've been pretty bad about it...

Not my fault, between a midterm, R.A. responsibilities, semi-formal with my girlfriend coming in, and whatever other excuse I want to make - posting just sometimes falls on the back burner for me.

Overall this week's been pretty chill, had a good weekend, but not anywhere near as productive a I want to be - obviously.  

Though I have come across some annoyances,
  •  Ignorance for one - I don't understand how people can form opinions on things without being educated on them.
    • Jews, for example, yes I am obviously biased on the situation, but nevertheless, many, not all, but many people who hate Jews, hate them because they're told to hate them, and that should not be the case, and not just about Jews but all people in general.
    • Another being the use of the term "gay", "retarded", "fag" etc instead of the word "stupid", you want to insult someone and want to call them stupid? SO SAY STUPID, the words mentioned earlier do not mean stupid, in fact let's look up the definition so you don't have to
      • Gay: having or showing a merry, lively mood, or of, indicating, or supporting homosexual  interests or issues - neither of those say stupid
      • Retarded: characterized by slowness or limitation in intellectual understanding and awareness, emotional development, academic progress - also not stupid
      • Fag - personally one of my favorites seeing as it has so many different meanings and yet...still none of them mean stupid, but there are just so many so here's the link.
There is more but for now I feel like i've gone on enough of a rant for the day, and I do still have work to do, so to cap off I'd like to introduce a section I'm going to call:  

Ridiculous, Yet Funny, Things My Residents Have Done To Me: 

  1. Post all the fliers on the walls all over my door.
  2. Not let me out of my room via cardboard box, see picture to the right
  3. Cover up my key hole with a sticker
  4. Sticky tack to make me think it was gum on the door knob

Oh residents....

Stay tuned for more wonderful updates.

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