Thursday, February 24, 2011

Almost March

I still can't believe it.
5 days and then it's March, where has the year gone? One more quarter and then it's the summer.  What am I doing this summer you ask? of now, nothing.  So if anyone has any ideas on some work I can find in the Cleveland area - I would very much appreciate it.

In other news...I'm still sick, yeah it sucks. Whatever.

You know what's interesting?  How relationships, and people change in life.  The circle of friends you might have in the beginning of high school might not be your circle of friends at the end of high school - sometimes things happen, people make decisions, decisions you don't agree with, or you just grow apart.  Some people are supposed to be in your life forever, while others are just supposed to make an appearance - yeah that was inspired by an old Greek episode but whatever.

But something that really kind of bothers me - that admittedly I do too from time to time - is that fake "omg I miss you SOOO much" kind of thing that everyone does.  Yeah sometimes we get inspired to talk to someone we haven't in awhile, and we go through the motions of "oh I miss you let's hang out soon" but you never do.  I don't know it's kind of irritating being on the opposite side of that conversation don't you agree? I think so.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011



This whole weather going back and forth from 60 to 20 in like 2 days really is not working for me and therefore I woke up this morning feeling like absolute sh*t. The day went all right - didn't really get much done, so tomorrow is going to suck. Hillel, plus school work, plus this damn cold, it's going to be a long day.

I think this post is going to focus on motivation, and my lack of it:

Motivation is important, it's important for schoolwork, for scholarships, for volunteering, for dating, for living, for every aspect of our lives.
Then there's motivation's worst enemy: procrastination:  Ahh the sweet enjoyment that is sitting on facebook, not doing anything, checking out StumbleUpon , just talking to your friends - or of course, working on a post for your blog.

Something that I learned that helps with that kind of thing is scheduling and prioritizing.  Fall quarter was rough and I learned what my priorities were, what things needed to be cut, and ways to make sure everything gets done.  Number 1 is to get a schedule, either your computer, or a planner of some sorts and plan out your day, plan time to study, do every assignment, hell even plan lunch and free time.

Those kinds of things will help any one.  So take my advice, or don't, I don't care. That's all I got.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

So much for being on top of this

Yeah I've been pretty bad about it...

Not my fault, between a midterm, R.A. responsibilities, semi-formal with my girlfriend coming in, and whatever other excuse I want to make - posting just sometimes falls on the back burner for me.

Overall this week's been pretty chill, had a good weekend, but not anywhere near as productive a I want to be - obviously.  

Though I have come across some annoyances,
  •  Ignorance for one - I don't understand how people can form opinions on things without being educated on them.
    • Jews, for example, yes I am obviously biased on the situation, but nevertheless, many, not all, but many people who hate Jews, hate them because they're told to hate them, and that should not be the case, and not just about Jews but all people in general.
    • Another being the use of the term "gay", "retarded", "fag" etc instead of the word "stupid", you want to insult someone and want to call them stupid? SO SAY STUPID, the words mentioned earlier do not mean stupid, in fact let's look up the definition so you don't have to
      • Gay: having or showing a merry, lively mood, or of, indicating, or supporting homosexual  interests or issues - neither of those say stupid
      • Retarded: characterized by slowness or limitation in intellectual understanding and awareness, emotional development, academic progress - also not stupid
      • Fag - personally one of my favorites seeing as it has so many different meanings and yet...still none of them mean stupid, but there are just so many so here's the link.
There is more but for now I feel like i've gone on enough of a rant for the day, and I do still have work to do, so to cap off I'd like to introduce a section I'm going to call:  

Ridiculous, Yet Funny, Things My Residents Have Done To Me: 

  1. Post all the fliers on the walls all over my door.
  2. Not let me out of my room via cardboard box, see picture to the right
  3. Cover up my key hole with a sticker
  4. Sticky tack to make me think it was gum on the door knob

Oh residents....

Stay tuned for more wonderful updates.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today's kind of one of those days - it started off okay but just went downhill.

I accomplished most of everything I wanted to get done but nevertheless i still don't feel as productive as I should have been and what not.

The icing on the cake - I didn't get the Orientation Leader position that I really wanted.  Yeah overall I really didn't expect to get it, but it was still a let down, especially since now I don't have a job for the summer - here or in Cleveland - so as a poor college student that really doesn't help.

Overall, I'm just upset that since I'm going to be paying for rent next year plus I need to furnish my room and what not and not really having a real job during the year - at least not one that pays the way this R.A. job does this year.  I don't know - just kind of bummed in general.  If anyone has any suggestions of jobs in Cleveland that's not in food service I'm all up for it. 

Basically, I'm just kind of crummy now but I've got a couple things in the works for next quarter and next year - so i guess I can look forward to that right?


Monday, February 14, 2011

I Passed!

...Just kidding.

But I wish I had, oh well I really didn't expect to pass the FM exam, but hey, there's always next time so no big deal.

So my weekend was really nice, i got to spend some good quality time with the girlfriend, it was good.  

Elections for AEPi were this weekend too so I'm going to take a moment to congratulate the new Exec Board, and as former Brother Master Micah Kamrass likes to say: Big Things. 

For me, I've got my eyes set on a minor board position - we'll see how that goes, wish me luck.

I also had my interview for an Orientation Leader position - it was a group interview - not my favorite but nevertheless i think it went all right.  I guess we'll find out Thursday, if i made the second cut, then a one-on-one interview then i find out.  So many more steps and yet the whole process is over by March 4th - wish me luck - again. Ha.

 Finally, I'm excited about next year, a great house with some great guys - and one girl, hopefully a job at Hillel, hopefully some good classes, and getting more involved in the things I'm truly passionate about - Philanthropy, the fraternity, and my education.  Obviously my girlfriend is in there too - duh.

So that's that - at least for today.  I know nothing that exciting. Haha

Thursday, February 10, 2011


One day left until my exam...

Actuarial Exam that is, so for those of you who don't know, to become a Fellow (a full actuary) you need to pass 9 exams - yeah that's a lot, and of course they're all increasing in price, oh well.
Well my first one is tomorrow, FM - or Financial Mathematics, and honestly I'm probably going to fail - so that's $200 down the drain. fml - Funny how that starts with FM right?

Well I was studying for it about a month or so ago but then I decided i wasn't going to be ready with everything else I had going on - school work, R.A. stuff, fraternity, etc. and decided i was going to cancel and take it June, so I did...or so I thought.

Apparently starting January 2011 the SOA (Society of Actuaries) changed their rules about cancellations and refunds and no longer give refunds - great rule right? So I was unaware of this for about a week or two and when finally inquiring about it with the SOA the just told me I'm S.O.L. - funny how they both start with SO right? 

Well now I'm here one day before my exam, very unprepared - and spending time either working on this or studying for my Linear Algebra midterm tomorrow is kind of more important, so therefore, I'm going to go in, do my best, and at least get a feel for when I have to take it next time.

Wish me luck

Who I Am

This whole thing is kind of new to me, not necessarily blogging, I used to have a blog, but that was more for deeper - random inspirations but with this, I want to make this a regular. Something I do every couple days if not more often than that.

Let's start with who I am, or at least what I want you to know about me. My name is Leo, I am currently 20 years old, 10 months minus 3 days until I'm 21, but who's counting.  I currently attend THE Ohio State University (Yeah I'm one of those - be jealous) and am an Actuarial Science Major and since I know you don't know what that is, I'm going to tell you.  For those of you who have seen Along Came Polly it's what Ben Stiller does for a living in that movie, for those who haven't well 1) you should but 2) it's basically risk management for insurance companies, lots of fun I know.  Basically i'm the one who decides why girls pay less for insurance than guys (Yeah B.S. I know...)

Let's see what else?  I'm a Jew. It's a big deal, at least to me. I have a girlfriend, whom I am in love with, and we've been dating 3 years give or's complicated aka we were together then we broke up then we got back together but count the whole time, yeah agree, don't - who cares.

Hmm...I'm in a Fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi, yeah the Jew is in the Jewish Fraternity, wooo surprise there, but it's slowly becoming a larger part of my life and with everything else I have going on I'm going to try and balance things out.

I'm an R.A. (Resident Advisor) so I have some good stories from that, but who knows if I will (or am legally allowed to) post them on here -- probably not. Not doing it next year, probably going to spend more time with the Fraternity, my girlfriend, and probably doing philanthropy. 

But seeing as it is 1am I guess I should go to bed since I have a class at 830am ... yeah who was the genius who planned that?