Monday, March 14, 2011


So of course I took a break from all of this for finals so no one hate

But now it's time for Spring Break so it's going to be good.  A great way to let off some steam, spend some time with the girlfriend, and see a couple friends.  Even if it won't be warm in the least, but i guess that's what I get for living in Cleveland.  And as the summer draws nearer I get more excited and more anxious about the future.

In the short run, for those of you studying economics, there are things that remain constant, such as where I live, where and what I'm studying, my marital status Haha.  But something that is not constant is my job situation.  As in, right now I do not have one and would like that to change in the short run so i am not an extra-poor college boy and am able to do something legitimate, or at least something that takes the edge off the finances.  But my mom is reassuring me that we'll manage if we have too - but that's never something that promising right? Right. I've been raised to be the kind of person to want to help and I want to help - and we all know that if I don't have a job this summer I'll probably lose my mind.  There is of course only so much I can do in Cleveland, and when those 3 hours it takes to do all those things passes what am I supposed to do?

The long run is all variable, and some parts of it are somewhat more comforting to me - assuming everything goes as well as I'd like it to go.  Of course I came into this school year optimistic.  Optimistic that I'm going to pass both the actuarial exams I take this year.  Well one failure later has lessened that goal to passing only one actuarial exam and that's going to be at the end of Spring Quarter.  But I'm still going to be here for a total of 4 years and ideally I only have to pass 2 exams to have a good chance for a job so I'm going to study my ass off and get those exams done.  And then - assuming i pass those exams - I'll have a job after I graduate - and starting salaries for actuaries - not bad, not bad at all. So hopefully all of this will be worth it.

There's something else to think about when it comes to the future, and sometimes this idea is more terrifying than anything above - marriage.   When we were all younger everyone told us when we get older we'll get married, have kids, start a family, the basics. But now - we're in college, and you know what that means? - Older is here.  People are getting married younger and younger nowadays and well - our time is now.  So my advice? Go marry someone now! Ha - Just kidding.  But it's a crazy thought isn't it?  Those of us (myself included) who may be in long term relationships - there's a probability that you guys will get married.  Freaking out yet? Depends on how much you wanted to achieve by now.  Oh well.  

Lastly, all I really have to say is good luck - good luck on any exams, on any summer plans, on any relationships you might be in, and whatever else you might need luck for.


Saturday, March 5, 2011


I know I promised I was going to be better at this than I have been - but I've had a crazy two weeks. Between AEPi stuff and midterms (if it's in week nine how is it a MIDterm) i just haven't really had the time to sit down and really say what I've been thinking.

But I'd like to do a huge shout out: to the 24 Brothers of the Omega Class of the Eta Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi that were initiated today - you guys deserve it and I am proud to call each of you my Brother.

Being on the other side of pledge has really inspired me - maybe inspired isn't really the right word - more so, re-inspired, to really put more of my heart into this fraternity that I have really grown to love these past two quarters.  

I've realized pledge serves two purposes:
The first being the obvious - teaching them our traditions and our morals - and helping them realize why this Fraternity is as important to us as we want it to be for them
The second is something that has come to me more recently - teaching them why we love this Fraternity, and why it's important to us will re-inspire us, show us once again why we want to be here and why we want them to see those reasons.

This process, from the outside, helping teach them this whole thing that's so important to us has made me want to be even more involved in it - work harder for it - make them see what we once see and hopefully still see.

But that's just me